Well, congratulations to me--I have now entered the world of blogs. So as a novice, I want to say that I am excited about the chance to keep others posted on the kupferers4, yet put out a disclaimer that email and online things are not my strong suit. With that said...
I am looking forward to a few changes that are upcoming. I have one more week left to work and then I am going to be able to be a stay at home mom once more. I think that I will appreciate it much more now than when Nathan was first born now that I have seen how hard it is to work and be a wife, mother, housekeeper, church worker, friend...etc. I am really thankful that I was able to work as long as I did- I think that it was important for me to gain a greater appreciation and also good for Nathan.
Wesley is doing well- he's moving more and more now. I enjoy being pregnant but the 100plus temperatures sure are making it harder to enjoy completely!