Friday, July 29, 2005

Here is a pic of Nathan and Amy out on the swing enjoying some nice warm weather.

You can get an idea of how tall Nathan is getting. When we went for his checkup, he was 31 inches tall.

and my favorite picture of Nathan doing what he does best - sleeping. This is in a swing in the church's playground.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

It's about time...

Well, congratulations to me--I have now entered the world of blogs. So as a novice, I want to say that I am excited about the chance to keep others posted on the kupferers4, yet put out a disclaimer that email and online things are not my strong suit. With that said...
I am looking forward to a few changes that are upcoming. I have one more week left to work and then I am going to be able to be a stay at home mom once more. I think that I will appreciate it much more now than when Nathan was first born now that I have seen how hard it is to work and be a wife, mother, housekeeper, church worker, friend...etc. I am really thankful that I was able to work as long as I did- I think that it was important for me to gain a greater appreciation and also good for Nathan.
Wesley is doing well- he's moving more and more now. I enjoy being pregnant but the 100plus temperatures sure are making it harder to enjoy completely!

why Kupferer 4*?

Welcome to our new family blog. I have taken it upon myself to create a web log for our family. There is so much that happens and not a lot gets shared with family - so we want this to be one way to let our loved ones know what is going on in our household.

What does Kupferer 4* mean?

Well, we are the Kupferer's, but not quite 4 yet. Right now it is the Kupferer 3 (1/2 technically). So with one on the way (Wes) we wanted to make sure and include him in on the fun.