Friday, April 28, 2006

Nathan's birthday cake

Nathan's birthday cake
Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Here is the cake Nathan had for his birthday. A friend made it for him, she did a great job. Nathan absolutely loved it!

Nathan's future job

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
For Easter Nathan had been asking for a very unique present--one that I don't think the Easter bunny usually carries. It was a gas can. So, we took him to Lowe's to get one and it seems like he has hardly put it down since. We think that he might have a future at a full service station. It is amazing to see him play pretend, even pulling an imaginary cord on the mower to start it, stopping the car when it runs out of gas to walk to the gas can for a fill-up. He is a very smart little guy.


Originally uploaded by lilkup.
One night Nathan played a game of Sorry with Mike and me--he actually stayed pretty focused for the whole game. Well, I guess Sadie was feeling a little left out and decided to be yellow. She didn't win, but had a good time playing. Anyone who knows Sadie will appreciate the value of this picture :) She is one of a kind!

A big swing set for a big guy

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Here is most of Nathan's birthday present--there is now a glider swing that Mike finished putting up since this picture was taken. Thanks to all who gave Nathan cash for his birthday that went towards his backyard park :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

a great birthday and more

Well, its been longer than we promised and still no pics from the party up on the site. But no one has complained - which means one of two things: either no one is reading this or you are very forgiving and understanding :) (maybe a third, you don't pay attention to details or words and just look at the pictures)

We had a great day on Saturday, a bunch of people showed up, the rain held off and Nathan had a great day with his friends. We have some pictures we will put up later that show the swingset.

We started some work on the house to try and get it ready to sell (not that we are ready to sell it yet) but we are hopefully a lot closer than ever. A friend came over and helped (by that I mean, he did most of the work) repair some bad wood on the side of the house. Next weekend, we're going to work on some other problem areas.

Still two weeks until we go on our trip. WE are very excited about the trip, but we are ready to get there - this month wait is too long.

on a sad note... please pray for some friends of ours. John had a heart attack on Sunday night or Monday morning and has been in critical condition the last two days. He looked like he was getting better, but it turns out that he is not as good as hoped. Its been really hard, they are part of our adopted family and they are very special to us.

We'll post some pictures soon.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nathan turns 2!!!!

Can you believe that Nathan will be 2 on Sunday? I can't!

It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we were celebrating his first birthday. Man, how things have changed over this past year. I have lost one job, gotten two more and looking for another ministry. We have 1/2 our house packed up and in one room. We have a second wonderful little boy. and so much more

We are getting ready for the big party tomorrow. Picking up some tables/chairs, getting the food ready, cleaning up the house, hoping that it doesn't rain. I am also going to try to finish putting together Nathan's big present - a new swing set. He helped Jamie and I put the frame together on Tuesday and can't wait to get on the swings and slide.

We'll post some pics after the party tomorrow

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Papa, meme and Allison visit

Papa, meme and Allison visit
Originally uploaded by lilkup.
We wanted to post a picture of everyone from the great family visit we had during spring break. It is a great blessing to have some family down here. It was a boost from all the waiting and "interviewing" we've been doing. Nathan and Wes really seemed to enjoy having some new people around the house, too. :)

We know that we are looking forward to the possibility of moving closer to everyone so these visits don't just happen once a year. The next time we see dad and mom we will hopefully be using them to help us move.

daddy's mistake

daddy's mistake
Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Here is a picture of my little mistake the other day. I was playing with the hulla hoop with Nathan (notice it in the left side of the picture) and I sorta threw it too high and got it stuck. Then I decited that Nathan's plastic rake would work to get it down. Not only did I end up braking 3 pieces off I got it stuck in the tree, too. I did get them down, but only after there was much laughter. needless to say Nathan got a new rake and Amy had a really really good laugh.

I don't think I'll try using a lightweight plastic kids toy to get another lightweight plastic kids toy out of the tree again.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

In the reading room

Nathan at the library
Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Here is Nathan at the new library. They have little reading rooms/cubbies that kids can go in. Amy says it is a really nice library. So I'm sure we'll be there a few more times before we move.


Originally uploaded by lilkup.
This is Amy's favorite photo of Wes. If anyone wants a copy of this, just let us know what size you would like.

In 15 years...

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Can't you just imagine this little guy as a teenager just hanging out on the couch? Hopefully him just sitting there will be as adorable as it is now.

A family visit

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
We were very fortunate this past week to have Mike's mom and dad and his niece Allison visit us for a week. Their trip was encouraging to us and we are thankful that they made the long drive. This morning when they left, you could see that Nathan had really enjoyed the visit as well because he was upset to see them go. He kept asking to go with them, and although that was very special to see, it was a reminder of our longing to live closer to home. This picture is of Allison, enjoying the sun and decorating our patio.

A sweet roll for a sweet boy

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
We did let Wes try a roll at a restaurant this past weekend. He was rather fond of it. Last night he was able to have his first bites of baby food. It was a step backwards from the roll was peas :)

New Foods for Wes

Originally uploaded by lilkup.
Well, we decided to start Wes on "table food", and what better start than a Coke? Just kidding...but he sure did like to hold the cup.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

crazy 6 weeks...

It's been a few weeks since our last post - we do apologize :)

We had a great trip up to IL to visit a church. We felt welcome and were able to connect with the people. Things seem to be going really good at the church (felt like they were really moving and following God). We know we can see ourselves working there. Another fun trip with both boys (who have really begun to dislike long car trips for obvious reasons).

When we got home from this trip, we had a message on our ans. machine from a church in KY. They got my name from a friend of mine and were contacting me to see if I would be at all interested in looking into their open position. Both of us talked with the chairman of the elders numerous times over the next week and by that Saturday he had asked if we could come up for a visit. So last weekend we were in KY doing an interview. (Count them, that's 3 long trips in 6 weeks) God is showing us some great churches and opportunities.

We had another great trip and were able to connect with the people. I (Mike) had a lot more interviews with the staff and elders than Amy did. I met with people for most of the day Friday and a little Saturday. We felt good about this opportunity, also.

Both churches have good points and some bad points (and don't all churches have those :)) So, we don't have a feeling right now as to one over the other.

Another thing that happened was last week (before we went to KY) we were contacted by the church in IN. They offered me the job, but we didn't feel like God was leading us there so we turned it down. There were a few things that were red flags as they were similar to situations we encountered before. We also felt like they need someone with a little different set of gifts than I have. It was tough to tell them "No", but we feel confident we made the right decision.

My parents are visiting this week with cousin Allison (so that is fun and a great break from the craziness that is our life). We will post more on that and add some pictures later.