Friday, September 29, 2006

it finally happens

Today we are going to close on our new house. So that is good :)

Yet this means, a lot more projects to be done (as we don't have many, at all, now that we are renting) and grass to be cut. We are really excited about finally moving and being in a settled location. We'll try to put up pictures soon so you can see what it looks like.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

More fun, fun, fun

It has been great to have the family together this week. Though tomorrow and Saturday I (Mike) will be gone to Promise Keepers.

It is def. starting to become Fall around here. Let's just say it is cold in the morning (not something I missed being in GA). It is actually really nice to have the changing of the seasons. The weather is pretty nice and it helps to not be so hot all the time. The boys have not seemed to notice too much. They have not minded having the jackets and sweaters on.

Please pray for us as our moving to a house is no hold. There are a few things that need to get completed before we sign and move. Hoping to not take too long, we are hoping to get settled and stop thinking about moving or the fact that we are in a constant state of transition.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Today is the day Amy and the boys get back home. I am so excited to have them back!

I can't wait to hear what all they did and learned. :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

More ADORABLE pictures from the Fort

Wes takes step

In the last post, Amy put some pics up for all to see. (Yeah, after a long wait there are finally recent pictures)

The ones of Wes are him taking a step. He decided that since he was away from home and his daddy, he would take a few steps. As you see from the picture, he was more than overjoyed with himself.

Amy was great enough to get some video for me to watch. I am so proud that he is starting to walk, though I'm not sure if we are ready for two walkers.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

3/4 family vacation

This week is a good week, sorta. Amy and the boys are up in Fort Wayne enjoying some time with family. While Mike is in Albion, enjoying some time with Sticky and Sadie (who don't seem to move too much during the day with no one home).

It has been a sad few days for me (Mike) without Amy and the boys. I had the day off yesterday and forgot how different it is to not have anything to do. I can't speak for Amy, but I have gathered that they are having a good time. Lots of fun stuff going on and the little stinker (Wes) took his first step while in Fort Wayne. :( for Mike. But I'm glad family gets to be there for this cool moment. I'm sure I'll see him walk enough over the next few years.

Just wanted to update.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

short vacation

The past few days we have been in Cincinnati with friends and family. We decided that we wanted to try to make the trip with the long weekend (which means I had Monday off). We left Sunday after lunch and got back last night around dinner.

It was a great trip. A blessing to see old friends that we haven't seen in a long time. The boys did great on the trip (we tried to time things around nap so that helped a lot). We stayed with our friends Jeremy and Jessica. We had a great time just relaxing and talking with them. Nathan, Wes and Mike got to make smores on Monday night. Well, Wes slept through the entire thing.

Sticky and Sadie also went with us and got a chance to hang out with Leo (Jeremy and Jessica's dog). A great time was had by all.

Amy and I are always blessed when we get together with friends. And this trip was no different. It is wonderful to hear what God is doing in our friends' lives and how things have changed over time. Lots of cool stuff going on by the way.

Again, I wish I could put some pictures up....

Friday, September 01, 2006

first football game tonight

Tonight, we are going to the high school football game. We are excited because we think it will be great for Nathan and Wes. We know Nathan will love it (at least as long as he can for a 2 year old). We're hoping Wes has enough interest or people to interact with to not get bored. We'll see, it should be fairly chilly.

We expect to see a lot of people we know, since over 1/2 the town goes to these (so we've heard). :)


Yesterday when Amy and the boys picked me up from work I was playing with Wes in the back seat. He dropped one of his toys on the seat and I said "uh-oh." You know, not thinking anything of it. Wes copied me and said "uh- oh" :)

It was so cute. Now he won't stop saying it. He has now joined the ranks as a copycat. His favorite words right now are: uh-oh, boo, and woof.