Monday, May 04, 2009

Moriah's spring

Moriah Jane is 9 months old now...and she is doing great! She is crawling everywhere and is a rather curious little girl. Here are some photos of our gal.

Enjoying a visit with Becca

She loves to go down the baby doll aisle at the store. She just talks and talks to the babies!

This one is sure to be a favorite photo for years to come!

Here she is practicing standing. She is doing so well!

And here she is starting to help herself in the pantry---won't be long and I will have another helper in the kitchen :)

Photos, photos, and more photos!

Here are some photos to catch you up on the Kupferer household activities...

Nathan & Amy before bedtime

Here is Moriah, happy as can be (notice the one shoe on, one shoe off style!)

Amy and the kids got to take a trip to the Evansville zoo with some friends- we had a great time

This was a beautiful sight---it actually was a double rainbow, but it didn't show up on the photo

Mike & Moriah

Amy, Nathan, & Wes replaced the kitchen faucet...the boys were a big help. Moriah napped almost the whole time, which was a help, too!

Wes, who just turned 3 1/2, is here with some new Rescue Hero toys

Where would he learn this? Nathan is feeding Moriah some Cheerios and reading a magazine at the same time! :)

We had a great visit from Amy's mom, Marti, and Becca. Here is a pic of Becca and Nathan

And finally, we have been enjoying the park a lot so far this spring. Moriah loves to swing and the boys love everything there is to do there.

Those are just a few highlight photos. The next post will be especially for Moriah's fans :)