Friday, December 02, 2005

The end of my rope...

Alright, keep reading...I'm not going to say that I had a breakdown with staying at home with Nathan and Wes! (this is Amy writing) The end of my rope is actually a good thing---

The end of November was not a time that Mike and I were looking forward to. It meant the end of our income and also, as we had recently found out, the end of what we thought were his future ministry options. I came across a verse from Matthew 5 that says, "blessed are you when you come to the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule." With the "ends" that Mike and I saw ahead, I felt at the very very very end of our rope. But I can testify that God's promise in this verse is true.
Mike started work on Monday as temporary help at a dental office. Then on Wednesday he had was offered a second job working as a stocker at Target. Then we received the final bill from the doctor for Wes' birth. We were expecting around $1300. It was $23. Mike's car needed major brake work done. Then, God in his faithfullness blessed us with an unexpected gift from a friend. The "end" was just a chance for God's faithfullness to shine.

A few fun happenings at home...
Nathan put on his shoes by himself the other day! They were on the wrong feet, but at least he is trying :) He also is starting to be potty trained. Wes turned one month a few days ago. He may be starting to see us better and even smile!
Mike is waiting to hear back from the last bunch of resumes he sent out. Thank you for your continued prayers. We know God will answer them.

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