A week ago I (Amy) heard a knock on the door and opened it to find our friend Katie Cash at the door! It was a big surprise considering I thought I was only talking to her on the phone and was going to have our conversation interrupted by a guest at our door. Katie was out taking a road trip to visit her family before she joins the Navy next week and she was kind enough to include the metropolis of Albion in her route. :)
Katie is one of the teens that was a part of the youth group Mike ministered to during our years in Georgia. It was awesome to see an old friend and also an encouragement as far as being reminded as to why Mike is in ministry. God's timing was supreme; you see I had been feeling somewhat discouraged lately as to this whole youth ministry thing. And to have a former student see our family as worth the time to visit helped to remind me that Mike (and myself by default) is not in this for the great meetings or the suburb pay or the fancy company car (aka the church van). He, and our whole family for that mater, is in it because God is using him to challenge and change lives. So, Katie, if you have a chance to read this before you are heading out to basic training, I meant what I said--your visit was a true blessing.