Friday, December 14, 2007

Updated Boys Wishlists

(last updated 12.22.07)

We decided to add this post to keep an ongoing tally of items that have been "snagged" by someone; therefore, need not stay on the list. But instead of going back and deleting that earlier post we are going to just update this post.

As far as we are aware, these are the items already gotten...

for Nathan,
- John Deere: bean combine
- play chainsaw
- elec toothbrush
- Veggietales Campfire Sing-a-long puzzle

for Wes,
- basketball
- tricycle
- John Deere: skidsteer
- elec toothbrush
- Praise Baby CDs (both of them)
- Spot on the Farm book

(if you have gotten an item off the boys' lists and would be so kind as to let us know, via phone, email, leaving a comment, or letter we will add said items to this list)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spot on the Farm book for Wes & Veggietales Campfire Sing-a-long puzzle for Nathan need to be added to the list.