Monday, August 29, 2005

Upcoming months...

Please keep praying for us as we finish up or ministry at WCC and see what God has in store next. We need to get the house ready to sell, sell it, find a place to minister, move, have a baby and so much more.

It seems a little overwhelming when you try to write down all that is going to happen in the next few months.

As we like to do, here are some pictures of what has been going on with us.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

What a weekend...

Well, this has been a tough weekend for us. Today we told the congregation that we are leaving WCC. It was difficult to stand up front and tell people (esp. when there are new people or people who are just starting to come to the church) we would not be there much longer.

Even though it was difficult, we were very encouraged by individuals who showed their love. One encouraging moment was after I finished reading my letter and began to walk back to the seat - as I was walking peopel began to stand and clap for us and what we have been able to do at WCC. It was nice.

Yesterday, we spent some time helping a friend move. It is a lot to move, not something we are looking forward to.

Friday was a good day. Amy and I were able to go out on a date and enjoy some time by ourselves. We went to see Star Wars and it was nice to spend time together not talking about the situation at church. We miss those opportunities.

So, it has been very emotional. We are glad to now be on this side of the hard times.

Please be praying for the next four weeks as we are still at WCC. We know it is going to be difficult and might be frustrating.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy Birthday

Today Amy turns 26! Happy birthday Amy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Healthy Baby

We went to the doctor the other day and got a thumbs up on the baby. Things are going well for both Amy and Wes. So, we are excited about God watching over us during this time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the joy of sounds

Nathan has found a new interest... animal sounds.

He loves to make animal sounds. His favorite one (which always makes him smile and laugh) is a monkey.

He knows: monkey, dog (also a favorite), cow, tiger, bear (probably more that I can't think of)

Just ask him and he'll show you.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Weekend Pictures

Nathan at Babies R Us on the Bert & Ernie Fire Engine. He has yet to be on it while its on, but he still likes to sit and pretend.

At the Parking Lot Sale showing how to properly sit on an exercise trampoline. He had a blast walking around all morning and talking to all the people.

Amy, Nathan & "Nana Murleen" walking into Target. This was his first trip to the store where he got to pick what he wanted. (He loved it)

Here he wanted to try to get in a box and get sent back home.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Goodbye Uncle Aaron & Aunt Kim

I know its been a few days, but we wanted to put up some pics of Nathan saying goodbye to Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kim last Saturday.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tube Tuesday

Today was a big day for everyone in the family.

This morning, Nathan got up early and headed to the ENT for his tubes. Nathan did well and now has 2 tubes in his ears that will hopefully help him walk/run better and not have so many ear infections. He's not too big on having the cotton balls in his ears or the drops, but he goes with it.

tonight, we had the middle school over for a cookout. It was a blast. We (well David and I) got a little drenching during a downpour as we tried to cook the burgers on the grill. We always love to have the teens over and just enjoy the time we get to spend with them. So it was a good night.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Pictures from Tybee Island

Can you believe its already Monday? This is the second week of Amy's no-work life and the first week without enjoying time with family. (this doesn't mean that things are going to be calm, they never are at our house - this week is one of the busiest all month)

As I said earlier, we want to put up some pics from our trip to Tybee Island and now I am going to do just that. What a great couple days! Here are the pics...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Day 3 & 4

These two days were filled with camping and the beach. We all had a great time in Savannah/Tybee Island. We've got some pictures we will be putting up later. We are glad to be back home now and Nathan is already sound asleep :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Day 2

Wednesday was a full day for everyone. Nathan had a dr. appt. in the morning. He has another ear infection (he just can't shake them). He's getting tubes put in next week, so we are hoping that will help with the infections.

Another appointment was next on the list - this one for Amy. We had a second ultrasound to see Wes. He is growing just fine. He is a little over 2 pounds. Everyone is doing good.

Then it was back home for some games and playing with aunt Kim and uncle Aaron. Nathan exposed uncle Aaron to the life of a toddler--20 full minutes of crying while Mom and aunt Kim were out running errands. We all got ready for Bible study and off to church we went. Nathan got to head home early with aunt Kim and uncle Aaron to play some more, give them a very memorable "present" to clean up :), have a bath, and go to bed. All in all- a very wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

1st Day with Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kim

Yesterday was the first day for Aaron and Kim to be in town. Mike got to work in the morning and take the afternoon off. At home, the four had a great time playing and talking. Everyone had a great day of vacation. (Since I missed a good bit being at work, I can't fill in too many details.)

Here are some highlights of our day:
1. shopping
2. grilling out
3. Cold Stone ice cream
4. watching "Fire Me Please"

and what kind of blog would this be without having more pictures to share...

Kim and Nathan picking out a new pair of shoes.

Nathan found a new friend at Old Navy.

Aaron and Nathan walking down the sidewalk to Winn Dixie's going out of business sale.

Monday, August 08, 2005

last day at school

Well, this past Friday was it. Amy's last day at work and Nathan's last day at school. Starting today they get to stay home and spend some quality time with Sticky & Sadie. On Nathan's last day, we got a few pics taken so you can see what he has been up to. Here they are...

One of Nathan's favorite parts...sleeping

playing in the kitchen, getting ready for...

lunch with a friend.

(what a great pic)

He loves the lawn mower!

Nathan is going to miss all the new friends and his teachers, but we think he'll adjust fine to being at home with mommy all day.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

what it takes to be cool....

We wanted to pass on these pics cuz we think they are so good. Nathan has not liked having sunglasses on, until yesterday. For some reason, he wanted to put his glasses on and here is what he looks like....

Every time he puts them on, he immediately gets this "cheesy smile" on his face. He is so proud of himself.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Yet another first

Today can go in the record books as a day-that-you-heard-happen-to-others-and-always-hoped-would-never-happen-to-you-day.
I pulled into work today, running a little late as usual, and as I put the car into park it happened. Yep, the thing you always hear about but never want to experience. I look in the rear view mirror to see Nathan (as politely as I can say it) upheaving his stomach contents. (By the way, as a side note, when he gets older you don't have to tell him that I told this story on the internet--that may give him a complex). So, unsure of what to do, I get out of the car and open the back door, a little stunned by the whole scence, and try to "catch" round two with his blankie. The story goes on, but I think you should be getting the picture here. :)
Anyways, this was a situation that I had heard of before and always wondered, "humm, what would I do if that were me?" Well, now I can say from experience that you just sort of kick into a mode that causes you to take control and do what comes naturally. I am always amazed at how God has given us instincts that just sort of take over. You see, if someone had told me 2 years ago, before we knew that Nathan was on the way, that I would one day be in a car full of...well, you know, and late for work (on I should add a day I couldn't be late for because it was the first day of school and I was to be taking the afterschooler there), and 7 months pregnant- my response would have been ewww at first and then a feeling of great anxiety and helplessness. Prior to being in the situation I don't think I could have handled even the thought of it occuring.
Okay, so here's the profound thought--thanks for hanging in there during the puke part of the story--isn't life like that? It seems as if the more we know beforehand, the more anxious we will become. The wisdom of God is seen in the fact that he kept his omniscience to himself.

Soon to be back home

This week is the last week for Amy to work at Oakbrook. So, this means Nathan and Amy will be staying home starting next Monday. I'm not sure who is looking forward to it more - Amy or Nathan. I know Nathan is going to miss his class, he loves going to school.

On Monday, Nathan's class all moved up to the next grade (well, everyone but Nathan). So Nathan went from being the youngest in his class to now being the oldest.

Monday, August 01, 2005

McDonald's Playland

Well, it finally happened... for the first time yesterday Nathan played in a McDonald's playland. We had planned on taking him to the park to play, but the rain prevented us from doing so. So instead we decided to go to McDonald's for dinner and then let him play.

It was actually a very eventful dinner. I (Mike) tried one of the new chicken sandwiches. Amy got a huge chocolate shake. Nathan got some nuggets (ate all 4) and some apples (ate most of them). He sure does eat a lot now :)

Nathan was covering his eyes because he saw Amy do it.

Then it was off to the playland...

Needless to say, Nathan had a great time! Here are some pics...

First time in the lake

On Saturday, the church had its picnic at the Lake. It turned out to be a great day, despite the threat of rain. We were unsure about what Nathan would do with the water, since he is just starting to like the pool. To our surprise and enjoyment - he loved the water. He spent a long time just floating around and trying to swim (silly boy wants to do what he sees other people doing). Here is one pic of him and Amy in the water (this is before he got real excited about it).

It is such a joy to get to see Nathan growing up and learning new things. We have some more video of him swimming, so next time we see you we'll have to let you see it.