Thursday, August 11, 2005

Day 2

Wednesday was a full day for everyone. Nathan had a dr. appt. in the morning. He has another ear infection (he just can't shake them). He's getting tubes put in next week, so we are hoping that will help with the infections.

Another appointment was next on the list - this one for Amy. We had a second ultrasound to see Wes. He is growing just fine. He is a little over 2 pounds. Everyone is doing good.

Then it was back home for some games and playing with aunt Kim and uncle Aaron. Nathan exposed uncle Aaron to the life of a toddler--20 full minutes of crying while Mom and aunt Kim were out running errands. We all got ready for Bible study and off to church we went. Nathan got to head home early with aunt Kim and uncle Aaron to play some more, give them a very memorable "present" to clean up :), have a bath, and go to bed. All in all- a very wonderful day.

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