Saturday, December 22, 2007

Photo of the Week: Wal-Mart Lunch

Lunch at Wal-Mart. We had one of their buckets from the deli. The boys loved the popcorn chicken!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Updated Boys Wishlists

(last updated 12.22.07)

We decided to add this post to keep an ongoing tally of items that have been "snagged" by someone; therefore, need not stay on the list. But instead of going back and deleting that earlier post we are going to just update this post.

As far as we are aware, these are the items already gotten...

for Nathan,
- John Deere: bean combine
- play chainsaw
- elec toothbrush
- Veggietales Campfire Sing-a-long puzzle

for Wes,
- basketball
- tricycle
- John Deere: skidsteer
- elec toothbrush
- Praise Baby CDs (both of them)
- Spot on the Farm book

(if you have gotten an item off the boys' lists and would be so kind as to let us know, via phone, email, leaving a comment, or letter we will add said items to this list)

Photo Friday: Snow Day

First snow of the year for the boys. And they had to go to Ft. Wayne to get it. :)

They had a great time playing in the snow with Becca.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Photo Friday: Grandma and the boys

this is a picture of grandma and the boys playing/watching pool the day after Thanksgiving. We love being there when the boys get to spend time with grandma and grandpa.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Boys Christmas Wish Lists

Play chainsaw (Dollar General has one)
Car carrier semi (Wal-Mart)
John Deere - skidsteer or at Target
John Deere - ADT or here
John Deere - combine - bean
John Deere - log skidder w/ semi preferred
Diego helicopter
electric toothbrush (cars)
100 piece puzzles - like this or this or this

big basketball (like one of these, though it doesn't have to be this nice)
John Deere Toys - skidsteer
electric toothbrush (sesame street)
Spot books or videos (examples found here)
Cereal Bars
coloring books (really anything age appropriate would be great)
a tricycle
Praise Baby CD (Born to Worship or Praises & Smiles, we have the other two)

Photo Friday: Sticky's best friend

Sticky loves to visit grandpa and grandma!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Photo Friday: Wii

Nathan got to play a Nintendo Wii last week when the jr high had their game day. One of the students brought over a Wii and we had to test it out. Nathan really liked it.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Photo Friday: Firefighters

Nathan & Wes were firefighters this year for Halloween.

The funniest thing this year (and I wish I could have been home to see it) was that Nathan and Wes helped pass out candy. Nathan would open the door and Wes would hold the container and then they both would put candy in the bags. (let's just say the trick-or-treaters made out good at our house)

And there was one girl who walked into the house and started to play with the toys :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Birthday Boy

Wes is now officially 2 years old! Last night before bed our family was talking about today being Wes' birthday, and Wes said, "Daddy, too!". He was remembering the birthday party we were able to enjoy with our family that was a joint party for Mike and Wes.
So, what does a two year old boy enjoy? Well his current favorite things are football and baseball, running, eating candy, and singing one VBS song repeatedly. Nothing too abnormal, but he sure is amazing to watch. Even though he is not our first child, he has such a different way of learning things that so many things he does are new to us.
Well what birthday blog would be complete without a few pictures? Enjoy!
Happy Birthday, Wes!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Photo Friday: Family Shot

Once in a few months (years) we are all together. We take those opportunities to take a picture. I think this is a pretty good one.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Photo Friday: Construction Toys

Here are the boys playing in the rocks. They're playing construction of course.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Photo Friday: Wes at the park

Wes at the park, last week.

Wes' one day stay

Wes spent his first night in the hospital (since the whole birth stay) on Wednesday night. We went to the doctor and it ended up that he had pneumonia in both lungs. He had to take breathing treatments and had oxygen for part of his stay. Thankfully, though, he was able to come home on Thursday night. He still has to take breathing treatments every 6 hours.

I'm just glad he and Amy are home. Amy was able to stay overnight and help Wes with his stay - so that was awesome. I know she is glad to be back home, too.

just thought I'd update everyone on happenings in our family.

Monday, October 01, 2007

boys behind bars

Here are the boys behind the bars on the bridge at the playground.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Family Photo

Isn't this a nice picture of the family?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Photo Friday: Fall Fun

Amy and the boys went to the pumpkin patch yesterday with a few friends. Here are some pictures. From what I heard (and what I see in pictures) they had a great time.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hair Today: Gone Today

I'm not going to write a lot in this post, because more will be said with pictures. So without further hesitation, here you go...

(a timeline, if you would)

These last two are of Amy's pie in her face. Didn't they do a good job?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Family Time

Last month Nathan, Wes, and I had a chance to head up to Fort Wayne for a visit. Here are a few pictures from our trip. We were able to have a baseball game with Becca and Jason. Nathan actually was hitting well that night!

It was a really special visit for us. My mom, the boys, and I were able to take some flowers to my dad's graveside on the twelve year anniversary of his death. As the boys are getting older we are able to share more and more about Papa Chuck.

Becca had made a birthday cake for Grammy (Amy's mom) and we were able to be there to celebrate.

We were also able to have a great visit with Popeye (Mike's dad). The boys always enjoy themselves at NeNe & Popeye's house.

And I had to post this picture of Becca :) Maybe this hairstyle will be in fashion in a couple of years!
Overall, we had a great time with family!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Wall coverings

Amy started putting some of Nathan's schoolwork on the playroom wall. He has some great stuff, so far. Its fun to see his artwork on the wall.

Wes' first poster. I gave him this poster of Warren Moon about a week ago. He asked if it could be put up on the wall. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nathan is now a preschooler

Here are 3 pictures from Nathan's first day at preschool. We'll write more about it later. But we really know you just want to see pictures anyway :)

On the way to orientation with Amy.

Before the first day. The "daddy and preschooler pic"

Before the first day. The "mommy and preschooler pic"

Friday, August 17, 2007


We haven't put up too many pictures of the dogs lately, so here are two of Sadie looking cute. Enjoy...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Photo Friday: Family Happenings

The boys helped me (Mike) hang a wall hook in their playroom. Now they have something to hang all their pretend costumes on.

Nathan and I went to a skating party on Saturday. He had just gotten his skates the week before and had never skated anywhere other than the house. But he did a lot better than I thought and even wanted to skate without holding my hands.

Here are the boys helping Amy go through some videos for an upcoming yard sale. They did rather well at picking some to keep and some to sell.

Wes lined all of these guys up one day. They are all sleeping, but notice that they are all holding hands, too.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

New Picture Badge

Just like we added the video badge to the side of the blog, we just added a picture badge. This one has pictures from our trip to Wisconsin. You can watch the pictures come and go, or you can click on it and go to our Flickr page to see a bigger version of them.


Friday, August 03, 2007

Can we freeze time?

Lately the thought has crossed my mind, "Amy, remember this moment. Hold onto this memory." At times it is when Wes wants to 'slow dance' before bed. Or when Nathan calls me his super hero because I drove us home safely from the grocery store. These pictures capture one of those moments--the boys playing together. These are the things I want so desperately to capture and hold onto.

Summertime Pictures

Wow- does anyone else find it hard to believe that it is already August? We have had some hot weather, a reminder of our years in Georgia, and I feel ready for fall. Here are a few pictures of our adventure out to the park this morning with some friends of ours.

In other news, Nathan has about 3 weeks until he will be starting a 2 day a week preschool. He is really excited; he thinks that he will learn about lots of things there...even how to swim in the deep end of the pool. I hope he isn't disappointed when that topic isn't covered :) Wes is beginning to repeat 2 word sentences and he still loves to make people laugh. Mike and I are doing well. This summer has been a good one for our family. We have had some visits from friends and family, have been able to travel, and have just made some great memories together.