Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Pictures to tell what's going on...

Today I wanted to put some pictures up to share what has been going on lately.

This a picture at Appleebee's last Friday. We went for some dessert and the nice waitress gave Nathan a balloon to play with. It was a fun night.

This is our back room, which has been turned into our storage room. It is beginning to look full in this picture, but it has gotten even more packed after this picture was taken. Mike's office is about 3/4 empty now (and books take up a lot of boxes). So most of this stuff is from Mike's office, with a small part being from the house.

Nothing special about this picture, except that we thought it was funny that Nathan was just wearing a diaper and his shoes. :) He had gotten his clothes dirty and we were doing laundry, so we just left him in his diaper. He didn't seem to mind.

Nathan with his first bandaid. He fell the other day in the park and hurt his knee, so he got a bandage. He kept looking down at it every other step to see if it was still there.

A closer picture of his knee. I think this one needs to go in the scrapbook. "My first bandage over my first broken skin from falling at the park"

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